Seminar of the Extension of the Mathematical Institute SAS in Košice

···   2016   •   2017   •   2018   •   2019   •   2020-21   •   2022   •   2023
24. 1. 2019 Peter Eliaš – An attempt to solve the problem of complement on unambiguous finite automata (UFA) using bicliques
7. 2. 2019 Galina Jirásková
State Complexity of Unambiguous Operations on Deterministic Finite Automata. DCFS 2018
The Exact Complexity of Star-Complement-Star. CIAA 2018
Towards Exact State Complexity Bounds for Input-Driven Pushdown Automata. DLT 2018
28. 2. 2019 Roman FričDivisible probability
14. 3. 2019 Roman Frič – Divisible probability (continuation)
4. 4. 2019 Ján Haluška
1. 5. 2019 Peter Eliaš – Bananaworld. Quantum mechanics for primates (an introduction to the book by Jeffrey Bub)
21. 5. 2019 Emília Halušková – On inverse limit closed classes of algebras
6. 6. 2019 Ján Haluška – On fields inspired with the polar HSV – RGB theory of Colour
20. 6. 2019 Michal Hospodár – Power and positive closure on convex languages
3. 10. 2019 Ivana Krajňáková – NFA-to-DFA trade-off for regular operations
17. 10. 2019 Peter Vojtáš (Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic)
21. 11. 2019 Jozef Pócs
5. 12. 2019 Galina Jirásková – Deterministic biautomata and subclasses of deterministic linear languages
19. 12. 2019 Miroslav Repický