Ján Jakubík |
8. 10. 1923 (Dudince) – 24. 11. 2015 (Košice)
Študoval na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Komenského univerzity v Bratislave.
1948–1952 SVŠT v Bratislave;
1952–1985 VŠT Košice (zároveň 1977–1985 na 1/3
úväzok na detašovanom pracovisku MÚ SAV);
1985–2012 Detašované pracovisko MÚ SAV.
Docent 1956; profesor 1963;
DrSc. 1965;
člen korešp. SAV 1964; člen korešp. ČSAV 1965;
akademik SAV a ČSAV 1977.
Zameranie: algebra (usporiadané algebraické štruktúry).
Publikačná činnosť:
- Jakubik, J., Jednoznacnost rozkladu svazu na
direktny sucin.
Matematicko-fyzikalny zbornik SAV 1, 1951, 45--50.
- Jakubik, J., Kolibiar, M.,O nekotorych svojstvach par struktur.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
4 (1954), 1--27.
- Jakubik, J., O graficeskom izomorfizme struktur.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
4 (1954), 131--141.
- Jakubik, J., O rovnomernej konvergencii spojitych funkcii .
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
4 (1954), 154--161.
- Jakubik, J., O grafovom izomorfizme semimodularnych
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
4 (1954), 162--177.
- Jakubik, J., Sistema otnosenij kongruentnosti v
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
4 (1954), 248--273.
- Jakubik, J., O otnosenijach kongruentnosti na
abstraktnych algebrach.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
4 (1954), 314--317.
- Jakubik, J., Relacie kongruentnosti a slaba projektivnost na svazoch.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 80 (1955), 206--216.
- Jakubik, J., Poznamka o absolutne konvergentnych radoch.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
5 (1955), 133--136.
- Jakubik, J., Prjamyje razlozenija jedinicy v modularnych strukturach.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
5 (1955), 399--411.
- Jakubik, J., Prjamyje razlozenija vpolne distributivnych struktur.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
5 (1955), 488--491.
- Jakubik, J., O metrickych svazoch.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
5 (1955), 140--143.
- Jakubik, J., On the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition.
Acta scientiarum mathematicarum 16 (1955), 266--269.
- Jakubik, J., O konvergencii v linearnych priestoroch.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
6 (1956), 57--67.
- Jakubik, J., O existencnych algebrach.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 81 (1956), 43--45.
- Jakubik, J., Ob aksiomach teorii multistruktur.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
6 (1956), 1956, 426--430.
- Jakubik, J., Grafovy izomorfizmus multizvazov.
Acta Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comen. Mathematica
1 (1956), 255--264.
- Jakubik, J., Poznamka o Jordan-Dedekindovej podmienke
v Booleovych algebrach.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 82 (1957), 44--46.
- Jakubik, J., Centrum nekonecne distributivnych svazov.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
7 (1957), 116--120.
- Jakubik, J., Poznamka o endomorfizmoch na svazoch.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 83 (1958), 226--229.
- Jakubik, J., O zamenitelnych kongruenciach na svazoch.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
8 (1958), 155--162.
- Jakubik, J., O retazcoch v Booleovych algebrach.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
8 (1958), 193--202.
- Jakubik, J., Konvexe Ketten in ellipse -Gruppen.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 83 (1958), 53--63.
- Jakubik, J., Ob odnom klasse strukturno uporjadocennych grupp.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 84 (1959), 150--161.
- Jakubik, J., O glavnych idealach v strukturno uporjadocennych
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
9 (1959), 528--543.
- Jakubik, J., Konvexne retazce v ciastocne
usporiadanych grupach.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
9 (1959), 236--242.
- Jakubik, J., Ob odnom svojstve strukturno uporjadocennych
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 85 (1960), 51--59.
- Jakubik, J., Prjamyje razlozenija casticno uporjadocennych grupp.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
10 (1960), 231--243.
- Jakubik, J., K teorii casticno uporjadocennych grupp.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 86 (1961), 318--330.
- Jakubik, J., Prjamyje razlozenija casticno
uporjadocennych grupp. II.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
11 (1961), 490--515.
- Jakubik, J.,
Über eine Klasse von l-Gruppen.
Acta Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comen. Math.
6 (1961), 267--273.
- Jakubik, J.:
The interval topology of an l-group.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
12 (1962), 209--211.
- Jakubik, J.:
Über Teilbünde der l-Gruppen.
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
23 (1962), 249--254.
- Jakubik, J.:
Über ein Problem von Paul Jaffard.
Archiv der Mathematik
14 (1963), 16--21.
- Jakubik, J.:
Predstavlenia i rassirenija l-grupp.
Czechoslovak mathematical Journal
13 (1963), 267--283.
- Jakubik, J.:
Die Jordan-Dedekindsche Bedingung im direkten Produkt von
geordneten Mengen.
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
24 (1963), 20--23.
- Jakubik, J.:
Interval topology of an l-group.
Colloquium mathemaicum
11 (1963), 65--72.
- Jakubik, J.:
Lexikograficeskije proizvedenija casticno uporjadocennych gruppoidov.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
14 (1964), 281--305.
- Jakubik, J.:
Über halbgeordnete Gruppen mit verallgemeinerter Jordanscher Zerlegung.
Revue Roumaine des Mathem. Pures et Appl.
9 (1964), 187--190.
- Jakubik, J.:
Über Verbandsgruppen mit zwei Erzeugenden.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
14 (1964), 444--454.
- Jakubik, J., Kolibiar, M.:
Über euklidische Verbände.
Mathematische Annalen
155 (1964), 334--342.
- Jakubik, J.:
Kompakt erzeughte Verbandsgruppen.
Mathematische Nachrichten
30 (1965), 193--201.
- Jakubik, J.:
Über die Intervalltopologie auf einer halbgeordneten Gruppe.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
15 (1965), 257--272.
- Jakubik, J., Die Dedekindschen Schnitte im direkten Produkt von
halbgeordneten Gruppen.
Matematicko-fyzikalny casopis
16 (1966), 329--336.
- Jakubik, J., Higher degrees of distributivity in lattices and lattice
ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
18 (1968), 356--376.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered algebras generated by systems of
Colloquium mathematicum 20 (1969), 31--44.
- Jakubik, J., Disjoint subsets of a partially ordered group.
Archiv der Mathematik 20 (1969), 572--577.
- Jakubik, J., On some problems concerning disjointness in
partially ordered
Acta Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comen. Math. 22 (1969), 47--56.
- Jakubik, J., Partially ordered groups with two disjoint
Colloquium mathematicum 21 (1970), 39--44.
- Jakubik, J., The mixed product decompositions of partially
ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
20 (1970), 184--206.
- Jakubik, J., ellipse -subgroups of a lattice ordered group.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (1970), 366--368.
- Jakubik, J., M-polars in lattices.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 95 (1970), 252--255.
- Jakubik, J., On subgroups of a pseudo lattice ordered group.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 34 (1970), 109--115.
- Jakubik, J., Weak product decompositions of discrete
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
21 (1971) 399--412.
- Jakubik, J., Drevenak, O., Lattice ordered groups with
a basis.
Mathematische Nachrichten 53 (1972), 217--236.
- Jakubik, J., Cardinal properties of lattice ordered groups.
Fundamenta Mathematicae 74 (1972), 85--98.
- Jakubik, J., Distributivity in lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
22 (1972), 108--125.
- Jakubik, J., Cantor-Bernstein theorem for lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
22 (1972), 159--175.
- Jakubik, J., Weak product decompositions of partially ordered
Colloquium mathematicum 25 (1972), 177--190.
- Jakubik, J., Homogeneous lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
22 (1972), 325--337.
- Jakubik, J., Conditionally alpha-complete sublattices of a
distributive lattice.
Algebra universalis 2 (1972), 255--261.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered groups of finite breadth.
Colloquium mathematicum 27 (1973), 13--20.
- Jakubik, J., Center of a complete lattice.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
23 (1973), 125--138.
- Jakubik, J., On sigma-complete lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
23 (1973), 164--174.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered groups with complete epimorphic
Colloquium mathematicum 21 (1974), 21--28.
- Jakubik, J., Quasiorder on systems of directed sets.
Matematicky casopis 24 (1974), 173--177.
- Jakubik, J., Normal prime filters of a lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
24 (1974), 91--96.
- Jakubik, J., Splitting property of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
24 (1974), 257--269.
- Jakubik, J., Conditionally orthogonally complete ellipse -groups.
Mathematische Nachrichten 65 (1975), 153--162.
- Jakubik, J., Unoriented graphs of modular lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
25 (1975), 240--246.
- Jakubik, J., Modular lattices of locally finite length.
Acta scientiarum mathematicarum 37 (1975), 79--82.
- Jakubik, J., Center of a bounded lattice.
Matematicky casopis 25 (1975), 339--343.
- Jakubik, J., Sublattices with saturated chains.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
25 (1975), 442--444.
- Jakubik, J., Cardinal sums of linearly ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
25 (1975), 568--575.
- Jakubik, J., Product of torsion classes of lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
25 (1975), 576--585.
- Jakubik, J., Principal projection bands of a Riesz space.
Colloquium mathematicum 36 (1976), 195--203.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered groups with cyclic linearly ordered
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 101 (1976), 88--90.
- Jakubik, J., Pairs of lattices with common congruence
Colloquia Mathematica Soc. J. Bolyai 14 (1976), 171--183.
- Jakubik, J., W-isomorphisms of distributive lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
26 (1976), 330--338.
- Jakubik, J., Strongly projectable lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
26 (1976), 642--652.
- Jakubik, J., Kolibiar, M., Lattices with a third distributive
Mathematica Slovaca 27 (1977), 287--292.
- Jakubik, J., Radical classes and radical mappings of lattice ordered
Symposia mathematica 31 (1977), Academic Press, New York-London,
- Jakubik, J., Archimedean kernel of a lattice ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
28 (1978), 140--154.
- Jakubik, J., Generalized Dedekind completion of a lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
28 (1978), 294--311.
- Jakubik, J., Maximal Dedekind completion of an abelian
lattice ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
28 (1978), 611--631.
- Jakubik, J., Orthogonal hull of a strongly projectable lattice
ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
28 (1978), 484--504.
- Jakubik, J., On algebraic operations of a lattice ordered
Colloquium mathematicum 61 (1979), 35--44.
- Jakubik, J., Generalized lattice identities in lattice
ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
30 (1980), 127--134.
- Jakubik, J., Isometries of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
30 (1980), 142--152.
- Jakubik, J., Weak isomorphisms of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
30 (1980), 438--444.
- Jakubik, J., Products of radical classes of lattice ordered
Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae 39 (1980), 31--42.
- Jakubik, J., On isometries of non-abelian lattice ordered
Mathematica Slovaca 31 (1981), 171--175.
- Jakubik, J., On value selectors and torsion classes of
lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
31 (1981), 306--313.
- Jakubik, J., Prime selectors and torsion classes of
lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
31 (1981), 325--337.
- Jakubik, J., On the lattice of torsion classes of
lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
31 (1981), 510--513.
- Jakubik, J., On the lattice of radical classes of
linearly ordered groups.
Studia Scientiarum Mathem. Hungarica 19 (1981), 76--86.
- Jakubik, J., On linearly ordered subgroups of a lattice ordered
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 107 (1982), 175--179.
- Jakubik, J., Projectable kernel of a lattice ordered group.
Universal Algebra and Applications, Banach Center Publ. Vol 9 (1982),
- Jakubik, J., Torsion radicals of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
32 (1982), 347--365.
- Jakubik, J., Distributivity of intervals of torsion radicals.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
32 (1982), 548--555.
- Jakubik, J., On lexico extensions of lattice ordered groups.
Mathematica Slovaca 33 (1983), 81--84.
- Jakubik, J., On the lattice of semisimple classes of linearly ordered
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 107 (1982), 183--190.
- Jakubik, J., On K-radical classes of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
33 (1983), 149--163.
- Jakubik, J., Kolibiar, M., Isometries of multilattice groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
33 (1983), 602--612.
- Jakubik, J., On isometries of lattices.
Mathematica Slovaca 34 (1984), 177--184.
- Jakubik, J., On lattices determined up to isomorphisms by
their graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
34 (1984), 305--314.
- Jakubik, J., Kernels of lattice ordered groups defined by properties
of sequences.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 109 (1984), 290--298.
- Jakubik, J., On radical classes of abelian linearly ordered
Mathematica Slovaca 35 (1985), 141--154.
- Jakubik, J., On isomorphisms of graphs of lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
35 (1985), 188--200.
- Jakubik, J., Graph isomorphism of semimodular lattices.
Mathematica Slovaca 35 (1985), 229--232.
- Jakubik, J., On weak direct decompositions of lattices and
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
35 (1985), 269--277.
- Jakubik, J., Covering graphs and subdirect decompositions
of partially ordered sets.
Mathematica Slovaca 36 (1986), 151--162.
- Jakubik, J., On strictly positive lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
36 (1986), 31--34.
- Jakubik, J., Radical subgroups of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
36 (1986), 285--297.
- Jakubik, J., Lexicographic product decompositions of a
linearly ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
36 (1986), 553--563.
- Cernak, S., Jakubik, J., Completion of a cyclically
ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
37 (1987), 157--174.
- Jakubik, J., Closure operators on the lattice of radical classes of
lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
38 (1988), 71--77.
- Jakubik, J., K-radical classes of abelian linearly ordered
Mathematica Slovaca 38 (1988), 33--44.
- Jakubik, J., Pringerova, G., Representations of cyclically
ordered groups.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 113 (1988), 197--208.
- Jakubik, J., Unequivocal linearly ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
38 (1988), 245--255.
- Jakubik, J., Convergences and complete distributivity of lattice
ordered groups.
Mathematica Slovaca 38 (1988), 269--272.
- Jakubik, J., Weak isometries of lattice ordered groups.
Mathematica Slovaca 38 (1988), 133--138.
- Jakubik, J., Pringerova, G., Radical classes of cyclically
ordered groups.
Mathematica Slovaca 38 (1988), 255--268.
- Jakubik, J., Sequential convergences in Boolean algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
38 (1988), 520--530.
- Jakubik, J., On summability in convergence ellipse -groups.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 113 (1988), 286--292.
- Jakubik, J., On direct product decompositions of directed sets.
Mathematica Slovaca 38 (1988), 45--49.
- Jakubik, J., Lexicographic factors of a linearly ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 111--119.
- Jakubik, J., Retracts of abelian cyclically ordered groups.
Archivum mathematicum 25 (1989), 13--18.
- Jakubik, J., On some types of kernels of a convergence
ellipse -groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 239--247.
- Jakubik, J., Retracts of abelian lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 477--489.
- Jakubik, J., Direct product decompositions of directed groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 618--621.
- Harminc, M., Jakubik, J., Maximal convergences and minimal
proper convergences in ellipse -groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 631--640.
- Jakubik, J., On a radical class of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 641--643.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered groups having a largest convergence.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
39 (1989), 717--729.
- Jakubik, J., Retract varieties of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40 (1990), 104--112.
- Jakubik, J., On lattice ordered groups having a unique addition.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40 (1990), 311--314.
- Jakubik, J., On disjoint subsets of a complete lattice ordered group.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 115 (1990), 165--170.
- Jakubik, J., On completions of linearly ordered groups.
Casopis pro pestovani matematiky 115 (1990), 278--282.
- Jakubik, J., On torsion classes generated by radical classes of
lattice ordered groups.
Archivum mathematicum 26 (1990), 115--119.
- Jakubik, J., Convergences and higher degrees of distributivity of
lattice ordered groups and of Boolean algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40 (1990), 453--458.
- Jakubik, J., Cyclically ordered groups with unique addition.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40 (1990), 534--538.
- Jakubik, J., On directed interpolation groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40 (1990), 648--658.
- Jakubik, J., Valuations on modular lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica 116 (1991), 391--395.
- Jakubik, J., Selfduality of the system of intervals of a partially
ordered set.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
41 (1991), 135--140.
- Jakubik, J., Completions and closures of cyclically ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
41 (1991), 160--169.
- Jakubik, J., Maximal antichains in a partially ordered set.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
41 (1991), 75--84.
- Jakubik, J., Mixed product decompositions of directed groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
41 (1991), 429--435.
- Jakubik, J., Lattice ordered groups with unique addition must be
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
41 (1991), 559--563.
- Jakubik, J., Sequential convergences on ellipse -groups without
Urysohn's axiom.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
42 (1992), 1--16.
- Jakubik, J., On convexities of lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
42 (1992), 325--330.
- Jakubik, J., Sequential convergences on free lattice ordered
Mathematica Bohemica 117 (1992), 48--54.
- Jakubik, J., Sequential convergences in lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica 117 (1992), 239--250.
- Jakubik, J., On projective intervals in a modular lattice.
Mathematica Bohemica 117 (1992), 293--298.
- Jakubik, J., Partially ordered sets with nondistributive lattice
of maximal antichains.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
42 (1992), 685--691.
- Jakubik, J., On directed groups with additional operations.
Mathematica Bohemica 118 (1993), 11--17.
- Jakubik, J., Complete retract mappings of a complete lattice ordered
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
43 (1993), 301--318.
- Jakubik, J., On systems of sequences of reals.
Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 2 (1993), 19--23.
- Jakubik, J., On filters of ordered semigroups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
43 (1993), 519--522.
- Jakubik, J., Csontoova, M., Convex isomorphisms of directed
Mathematica Bohemica 118 (1993), 359--379.
- Jakubik, J., On strong superlattices.
Mathematica Slovaca 44 (1994), 131-138.
- Jakubik, J., G. Pringerova,
Direct limits of cyclically ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
44 (1994), 231-250.
- Jakubik, J., On convexities of d-groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
44 (1994), 305-314.
- Jakubik, J.,
Sequential convergences in distributive lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica 119 (1994), 245-254.
- Jakubik, J., On extended cyclic orders.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
44 (1994), 661-675.
- Jakubik, J., Direct product decomposition of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
44 (1994), 725-739.
- Jakubik, J.,
On some completeness properties for lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
45 (1995), 253--266.
- Jakubik, J.,
On complete MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
45 (1995), 473--480.
- Jakubik, J.,
Affine completeness of complete lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
3 (1995), 571--576.
- Jakubik, J.,
Sequential convergences on MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
45 (1995), 709--726.
- Jakubik, J.,
On sequences in vector lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica 120 (1995), 379--386.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convexities of lattice ordered groups.
Mathematica Bohemica 121 1996, 59--67.
- Jakubik, J.:
On complete lattice ordered groups with strong units.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
46 (1996), 221--230.
- Jakubik, J.:
Directly indecomposable direct factors of a lattice.
Mathematica Bohemica 121 (1996), 281--292.
- Jakubik, J.:
Principal convergences on lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
46 (1996), 721--732.
- Jakubik, J.:
On half lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
46 (1996), 745--767.
- Jakubik, J., Lihova, J.:
Systems of intervals of partially ordered sets.
Mathematica Slovaca
46 (1996), 355--361.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convergence l-groups with zero radical.
Mathematica Bohemica
122 (1997), 63--73.
- Jakubik, J.:
Unions of uniquely complemented lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica
122 (1997), 147--152.
- Jakubik, J.:
Lateral and Dedekind completions of strongly projectable lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
47 (1997), 511--523.
- Jakubik, J.:
Closed convex l-subgroups and radical classes of convergence l-groups.
Mathematica Bohemica
122 (1997), 301--315.
- Jakubik, J.:
Sequential convergences in a vector lattice.
Mathematica Bohemica
123 (1998), 33--48.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convex isomorphisms of archimedean lattice ordered groups.
Mathware and Soft Computing
5 (1998), 49--56.
- Jakubik, J.:
Atomicity of the Boolean algebra of direct factors of a directed set.
Mathematica Bohemica
123 (1998), 145--161.
- Jakubik, J.:
Partially ordered sets having selfdual system of intervals.
Mathematica Bohemica
123 (1998), 271--278.
- Jakubik, J.:
Lexicographic product decompositions of cyclically ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
48 (1998), 229--241.
- Jakubik, J.:
Radical classes of generalized Boolean algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
48 (1998), 253--268.
- Jakubik, J., Csontoova, M.:
Affine completeness of projectable lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
48 (1998), 359--363.
- Jakubik, J.:
On archimedean MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak mathematical Journal
48 (1998), 575--582.
- Jakubik, J.:
Complete generators and maximal completions of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
48 (1998), 597--608.
- Jakubik, J.:
Disjoint sequences in Boolean algebras.
Mathematica Bohemica
123 (1998), 411--418.
- Jakubik, J., Pringerova, G.:
On $\vee$-irreducible elements in the positive cone of an
Acta Univ. M. Belii, Math.
6 (1998), 21--29.
- Jakubik, J.:
Subdirect product decompositions of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
49 (1999), 163--173.
- Jakubik, J.:
Radical classes of MV-algebras
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
49 (1999), 191--211.
- Jakubik, J.:
Graph automorphisms of a finite modular lattice.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
49 (1999), 443--447.
- Jakubik, J.:
Cantor-Bernstein theorem for MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
49 (1999), 517--526.
- Jakubik, J.:
Radical classes of complete lattice ordered groups.
Mathematica Slovaca
49 (1999), 417--424.
- Jakubik, J.:
Distinguished extensions of an MV-algebra.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
49 (1999), 867--876.
- Jakubik, J., Csontoova, M.:
Cancellation rule for internal direct product decompositions of a
connected partially ordered set.
Mathematica Bohemica
125 (2000), 115--122.
- Jakubik, J., Cernak, S.:
On convex linearly ordered subgroups of an hl-group.
Mathematica Slovaca
50 (2000), 127--133.
- Jakubik, J.:
Nearly disjoint sequences in convergence l-groups.
Mathematica Bohemica
125 (2000), 139--144.
- Jakubik, J.:
Retract mappings in projectable MV-algebras.
Soft Computing
4 (2000), 27--32.
- Jakubik, J.:
Lateral completion of a projectable lattice ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
50 (2000), 431--444.
- Jakubik, J.:
Direct product decompositions of infinitely distributive lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica
125 (2000), 341--354.
- Jakubik, J.:
On cut completions of abelian lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
50 (2000), 587--602.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convexities of normal valued lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
50 (2000), 641--649.
- Jakubik, J.:
Graph automorphisms of semimodular lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica
125 (2000), 459--464.
- Jakubik, J.:
Completeness properties for MV-algebras.
Multple Valued Logic
6 (2001), 157--169.
- Jakubik, J.:
Lexicographic products of half linearly ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
51 (2001), 127--138.
- Jakubik, J.:
On iterated limits of subsets of a convergence l-groups.
Mathematica Bohemica
126> (2001), 53--61.
- Jakubik, J.:
Weak $\sigma$-distributivity of lattice ordered groups.
Mathematica Bohemica
126 (2001), 151--159.
- Jakubik, J.:
On chains in MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
51 (2001), 151--166.
- Jakubik, J.:
Regular representations of semisimple MV-algebras by continuous
real functions.
Mathematica Slovaca
51 (2001), 269--274.
- Jakubik, J., Fric, R.:
Sequential convergences on Boolean algebras defined by systems
of maximal filters.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
51 (2001), 261--274.
- Jakubik, J.:
Direct product decompositions of pseudo MV-algebras.
Archivum Mathematicum
37 (2001), 131--142.
- Jakubik, J.:
State homomorphisms of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
51 (2001), 609--616.
- Jakubik, J.:
Distinguished completion of a direct product of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathhematical Journal
51 (2001), 661--671.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the congruence lattice of an abelian lattice ordered group.
Mathematica Slovaca
126 (2001), 269--274.
- Jakubik, J.:
Basic elements in a pseudo MV-algebras.
Soft Computing
5 (2001), 372--375.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convex mappings of archimedean MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
51 (2001), 383--391.
- Jakubik, J.:
Complete distributivity of lattice ordered groups and vector lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
51 (2001), 889--896.
- Jakubik, J.:
Strong subdirect productsof MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
51 (2001), 507--520.
- Jakubik, J.:
A theorem of Cantor-Bernstein type for othogonally $\sigma$-complete
pseudo MV-algebras.
Tatra Mountain Mathem. Publication
22 (2001), 91--103.
- Jakubik, J.:
Sequential convergences on generalized Boolean algebras.
Mathematica Bohemica
127 (2002), 1--14.
- Jakubik, J.:
Completely subdirect producst of directed sets.
Mathematica Bohemica
127 (2002), 71--81.
- Jakubik, J.:
General comparability of pseudo MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
52 (2002), 13--17.
- Jakubik, J.:
On half cyclically ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
52 (2002), 275--294.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the lattice of additive hereditary properties of finite graphs.
Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications
22 (2002), 73--86.
- Jakubik, J.:
Cantor Bernstein theorem for lattices.
Mathematica Bohemica
127 (2002), 463--471.
- Jakubik, J.:
Radical classes of distributive lattices having the least element.
Mathematica Bohemica
127 (2002), 409--425.
- Jakubik, J.:
On direct and subdirect product decompositions of partially ordered sets.
Mathematica Slovaca
52 (2002), 377--395.
- Jakubik, J.:
Torsion classes of Specker lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak mathematical Journal
52 (2002), 469--482.
- Jakubik, J.:
On intervals and isometries of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak mathematical Journal
52 (2002), 651--663.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the $\alpha$-completeness of pseudo MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
52 (2002), 511--516.
- Jakubik, J.:
On product MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
52, 797--810.
- Jakubik, J.:
On orthogonally $\sigma$-complete lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
52 (2002), 881--888.
- Jakubik, J.:
Graph automorphisms and cells of lattices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
53 (2003), 103--111.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convex chains in a pseudo MV-algebra.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
53 (2003), 113--125.
- Jakubik, J.:
Torsion classes of MV-algebras.
Soft Computing
7 (2003), 468--471.
- Jakubik, J.:
Maximal completion of a pseudo MV-algebra.
Archivum mathematicum
39 (2003), 141--161.
- Jakubik, J.:
On free MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
23 (2003), 311--317.
- On absolute retracts and absolute convex retracts in some
classes of l-groups.
Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications
23(2003), 19--30.
- Jakubik, J.:
Higher degrees of distributivity in MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
53 (2003), 641--654.
- Jakubik, J.:
Projectability and splitting property of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
53 (2003), 907--915.
- Jakubik, J.:
On vierieties of pseudo MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
53 (2003), 1031--1040.
- Jakubik, J.:
On Caratheodory vector lattices.
Mathematica Slovaca
53 (2003), 479--503.
- Jakubik, J.:
Isometries of MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
54 (2004), 43--48.
- Jakubik, J.:
Generalized cardinal properties of lattices and lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
54 (2004), 1035--1053.
- Jakubik, J.
On the affine completeness of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
54 (2004), 423--429.
- Jakubik, J.:
On some interpolation for lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
54 (2004), 499--507.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the Schroder-Bernstein problem for abelian lattice ordered
groups and for MV-algebras.
Soft Computing
8 (2004), 581--586.
- Jakubik, J.:
Isomorphisms of direct products of lattice ordered groups.
Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications
24 (2004), 43--52.
- Jakubik, J., Lihova, L.:
On the cancellation law for disconnected partially ordered sets.
Mathematica Slovaca
54 (2004), 215--223.
- DiNola, A., Dvurecenskij, A., Jakubik, J.:
Good and bad infinitesimals and states in pseudo MV-algebras.
21 (2004), 293--314.
- Jakubik, J.:
On vector lattices of elementary Caratheodory functions.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
55 (2005), 223--236.
- Jakubik, J.:
Generalized Boolean algebra extensions of lattice ordered groups.
Tatra Mountain Mathem. Publications
30 (2005), 1--19.
- Jakubik, J.:
Direct product decompositions of pseudo effect algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
55 (2005), 379--398.
- Jakubik, J.:
Affine completeness and lexicographic product decompositions of abelian
lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
55 (2005), 917--922.
- Jakubik, J.:
Strong projectability of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
55 (2005), 957--973.
- Jakubik, J.:
Weak (m,n)-distributivity of lattice ordered groups
of generalized MV-algebras.
Soft Computing
10 (2006), 119--124.
- Jakubik, J.:
On a homogeneity condition for MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
56 (2006), 79--97.
- Jakubik, J.:
Torsion classes and subdirect products of Caratheodory
vector lattices.
Mathematica Slovaca
56 (2006), 79--92.
- Jakubik, J.:
On intervals and the dual of a pseudo MV-algebra.
Mathematica Slovaca
56 (2006), 213--221.
- Jakubik, J.:
On monotone permutations of l-cyclically ordered sets.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
56 (2006), 403--415.
- Jakubik, J.:
Subdirect decompositions and the radical of a Boolean algebra
extension of a lattice ordered group.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
56 (2006), 733--754.
- Jakubik, J.:
Convergences on lattice ordered groups with a finite number of
disjoint elements.
Mathematica Slovaca
56 (2006), 289--299.
- Jakubik, J.:
On interval subalgebras of generalized MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
56 (2006), 387--395.
- Jakubik, J.:
Weak homogeneity and Pierce's theorem for MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
56 (2006), 1215--1227.
- Jakubik, J.:
Sequential convergences on pseudo MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca
56 (2006), 501--510.
- Jakubik, J.:
Isometries of generalized MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
57 (2007), 161--171.
- Jakubik, J.:
On idempotent modifications of MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
57 (2007), 243--252.
- Jakubik, J.:
On a cancellation rule for subdirect products of lattice
ordered groups and of GMV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca 57 (2007), 201--210. ADFB
- Jakubik, J.:
Weak homogeneity of lattice ordered groups.
Czechoslovak Math. J. 57 (2007), 849--863.
- Jakubik, J.:
A result of Cantor-Bernstein type for GMV-algebras.
Collection of papers dedicated to the Memory of N. Ya. Medvedev
(Bayanova N., ed.), Altai State University, Barnaul 2007, 254-265.
- Jakubik, J.:
Banashcewski's theorem for generalized MV-algebras.
Czechoslovak Math. J. 57 (2007), 1099--1105.
- Jakubik, J.:
On a theorem of Cantor-Bernstein type for algebras
Czechoslovak Math. J. 58 (2008), 1--14.
- Jakubik, J.:
Direct summands and retract mappings for generalized MV-algebras
Czechoslovak Math. J. 57 (2008), 183--202.
- Jakubik, J.:
K-radical classes and product radical classes of MV-algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 58 (2008), 143--154.
- Jakubik, J.:
Sequential convergences on MV-algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 58 (2008), 289--300.
- Jakubik, J.:
Formations of lattice ordered groups and of GMV-algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 58 (2008), 521--534.
- Jakubik, J.:
Affine completeness and wreath product decompositions of lattice ordered groups
Czechoslovak Math. J. 58 (2008), 713--723.
- Jakubik, J.:
On some types of radical classes
Czechoslovak Math. J. 58 (2008), 833--848.
- Jakubik, J.:
Radical classes and weak retract mappings of GMV-algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 58 (2008), 719--738.
- Jakubik, J.:
Direct product decompositions of bounded commutative residuated $\ell$-monoids
Czechoslovak Math. J. 58 (2008), 1129--1143.
- Jakubik, J.:
Sequential convergence on cyclically ordered groups without Urysohn's axiom
Mathematica Slovaca 58 (2008), 739--754.
- Jakubik, J.:
Projectability and weak homogeneity of pseudo effect algebras
Czechoslovak Math. J. 59 (2009), 183--196.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the Schroeder-Bernstein problem for Carathéodory vector lattices
Czechoslovak Math. J. 59 (2009), 419--430.
- Jakubik, J.:
On the distributive radical of an archimedean lattice ordered group
Czechoslovak Math. J. 59 (2009), 687--693.
- Jakubik, J.:
On idempotent modifications of generalized MV-algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), 179--188.
- Jakubik, J.:
On lattice embeddings of a lattice into its intervals
Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), 189--194.
- Jakubik, J.:
Isometries and direct product decompostions of GMV-algebra
Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), 591--606.
- Jakubik, J., Cernak, S.: Relatively uniform convergences on archimedean lattice ordered groups
Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), 1--14.
- Jakubik, J., Lihova, J.: On fractal and quasi-fractal lattices
Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), 353--358.
- Jakubik, J.: Higher degrees of distributivity in complete generalized MV-algebras.
Mathematica Slovaca 61 (2011), 341--354.
- Jakubik, J., Cernak, S.: Weak relatively uniform convergences on abelian lattice ordered groups
Mathematica Slovaca 61 (2011), 687--704.
- Jakubik, J., Lihova, J.: Fractability for partially ordered groups and Boolean algebras
Mathematica Slovaca 61 (2011), 375--388.