Emília Halušková

Born September 25th, 1967, Martin, Slovakia. Maiden name: Horváthová.


titles MSc., RNDr. (Doctor of Natural Sciences), 1990 – Faculty of Science, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Košice, specialization: theoretical cybernetics, mathematical informatics, and theory of systems.

title CSc. (Candidate of Science, this title corresponds to the present PhD. title together with a postdoctoral study), 1998 – Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, area: algebra and number theory,
the main advisor: akademik Ján Jakubík,
the secondary advisor: Prof. RNDr. Danica Studenovská, CSc.

Position held

since 1990 – Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, branch Košice, reserch fellow

Field of interest

algebraic structures (monounary algebras, dynamical systems, direct and inverse limits of algebras)

Scientific papers
(MR Author ID: 320292)

[16] Halušková, E.: Some monounary algebras with EKP, Mathematica Bohemica 145–4 (2020), 401–414. https://mb.math.cas.cz/full/145/4/mb145_4_5.pdf
[15] Halušková, E.: Strong endomorphisms kernel property for monounary algebras, Mathematica Bohemica 143–2 (2018), 161–171.
[14] Halušková, E.: Monounary algebras with easy direct limits, Miskolc Math. Notes 19 (2018), No.1, 291–302.
[13] Halušková, E.: On direct limit closed classes of algebras, Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45:3/4 (2016), 155–169.
[12] Halušková, E.: On inverse limits of monounary algebras, Mathematica Slovaca 64 (2014), No.3, 691–706.
[11] Halušková. E.: Several inverse limit closed classes of algebras. Contributions to General Algebra 19 (2010), 103–112.
[10] Halušková, E: On direct limits of MV-algebras, Mathematica Slovaca 60 (2010), No.6, 1–8.
[ 9] Halušková, E: On direct limit classes of algebras, Mathematica Slovaca, 57 (2007), No.3, 211–218.
[ 8] Halušková, E.: Two element direct limit classes of monounary algebras, Mathematica Slovaca, 52 (2002), No. 2, 177–194.
[ 7] Halušková, E.: Monounary  algebras with two direct limits, Mathematica Bohemica, 125 (2000), No.4, 485–495.
[ 6] Halušková, E.: Algebras with one and two direct limits, Contributions to general algebra, 12 (Vienna, 1999), 211–219, Heyn, Klagenfurt,2000.
[ 5] Halušková, E. – Ploščica, M.: On direct limits of finite algebras, Contributions to general algebra, 11 (Olomouc, 1998, Velke Karlovice, 1998), 101–104, Heyn, Klagenfurt, 1999.
[ 4] Halušková, E.: Direct limits of monounary  algebras, Czechoslovak Math. J. 49 (1999), 645–656.
[ 3] Halušková, E.: On iterated direct limits of a monounary algebra. Contributions to General Algebra 10 (Proc. of the Klagenfurt Conference May 29 – June 1, 1997), Verlag Johannes Heyn
1998, 189–195.
[ 2] Halušková, E. – Studenovská, D.: Partial monounary algebras with common closed quasi-endomorphisms. Czechoslovak Math. J. 42 (1993), 225–240.
[ 1] Halušková, E. – Studenovská, D.: Partial monounary algebras with common quasi-endomorphisms. Czechoslovak Math. J.  42 (1992), 59–72.


[ 8] E. Halušková, I. Labáth: Zipfov zákon, Mladý vedec, 43 (2019), 24–25.
[ 7] E. Halušková: Lož má krátke nohy, Matmix, 25 (2019), No.2, 3–5.
[ 6] E. Halušková: Homomorfné transformácie ako metóda prístupu k problematike pohybov v systémoch, zborník príspevkov konferencie "Univerzita ako miesto dialógu" editor A. Lisnik a kol., ISBN 978-80-561-0151-3,VERBUM, Ružomberok , 2014, 346–350.
[ 5] Halušková, E.: Egyptský (matematický) krúžok pre 9-12-ročné deti (Egyptian (mathematical) circle for children of age 9-12, in Slovak), zborník príspevkov 45. konferencia slovenských matematikov, ed. M. Marčoková, ISBN 978-80-554-0792-0, EDIS, Žilina, 2013,p. 27.
[ 4] Halušková, E.: O biblickom kóde (On Bible Code),  In: Proc. I. Kiss et al.  Mathematics and theology,   EBF UK, Bratislava, 2002, pp. 22–25.
[ 3] Halušková, E.: Comma sequences,   (In Proc: Ambiguity and  music, Seminar mathematics and music, Bratislava, 1999, ISBN 80-968374-0-0,  ed. Haluška, J.), Polygrafia SAV, Bratislava, 2000, pp.  1–5,
[ 2] Haluška, J. – Halušková,  E.: Variácia na tému $\sqrt[12]2$ (A variation to the theme $\sqrt[12]2$, in Slovak), Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 55(1999), 3–32.
[ 1] Halušková, E., On commuting mappings, theory of automata and music scales. TRANSCOM'97 (Žilina, 25. – 26. 6. 1997), 1(1997), 209–212.

Matematický egyptský krúžok

Participation on mathematical conferences since 2006
with the contribution: Talks for slovak students of secundary schools
(within the framework of European Science and Technology Week)

Velikán vaječná škrupina   Giant egg shell   2018
Flexagóny   Flexagons   2017
Tajomstvo futbalovej lopty   Football ball mystery   2016
Möbiova páska   Möbius strip   2015
O modelovaní matematikou   On modeling by mathematics   2014
Ako počítali Egypťania   How did Egyptians calculate   2013
Chemické grafy   Chemical graphs   2011
Abecedy matematiky   Alphabets of mathematics   2010
Matematika prevažne vážne   Mathematics mainly seriously   2009
Anatómia dynamických úloh   Anatomy of dynamical tasks   2008
Hľadanie harmónie (o rovnomennej monografii J. Halušku)   Seeking of harmony (about J. Haluška's monography)   2007
Tajomstvá tabuľky G. W. Leibnitza - zakladateľa prvého vedeckého časopisu    Mysteries of the G. W. Leibnitz's table   2006

From The European Science and Technology Week 2011
From The European Science and Technology Week 2013
From The European Science and Technology Week 2015
From The European Science and Technology Week 2017
Cooperation with Cultural Center Liptovský Ján

Babrošenie s matematikou
My family, sound lifestyle, medical herbs, and gardening.

Last update: September 2021